Sunday, 10 August 2014

Max turns 6!

Oh. My. Gosh.  Where DOES the time go? How can my wee boy, my first born, the child who turned me into a mother, possibly be turning six already.

Max LOVES Lego, so it seemed only natural to have a Lego party. Cue the hours on Pinterest hunting down the best activities and decorations. (Whatever did we do without Pinterest?)

A Lego cake with Lego lollies and construction workers. A first attempt at fondant, somewhat easier than I had anticipated, and I definitely learned what NOT to do next time.

A copied invitation idea:

Lego banners:

 Lego-themed food:

  Lego activities:

Goody bags:

And yes, those are indeed homemade minifigure crayons. Super easy and fun with a minifigure mould!