Tomorrow is December 1st. The day my brother and I used to await, way back when, with great anticipation. The day we got CHRISTMAS CALENDARS!
This is a fantastic tradition I have continued with my own wee lads (see more here). Finding the 24 (x2) bits and pieces has always been a bit of a challenge, but this year, with the boys' Lego obsession, this task suddenly became super easy!
I've become, over the past year when I have had to replace broken and lost pieces, a huge fan of BrickOwl and BrickLink - two Lego marketplaces where you can order practically any piece you want at a very reasonable price. These two sites made the hardest thing about gathering the wee presents actually choosing from the myriad of accessories and minifigures available. But then, of course, being my OCD self, I couldn't just wrap the wee presents and use last year's calendars. No, no. I had to make Lego bricks to present them in. Rather time consuming (to say the least), but they worked out pretty well :)
So the calendars are up and the boys are super excited about their first present tomorow morning! I haven't told them it's all Lego, but they suspect (and are hoping) it is!
And for those of you who want to know what's in them, the below photos show all the presents. Some days they get the same presents, other days they get things I know they've wanted for a while. Max's are on the left of the calendar boxes, Finney's on the right (except for Santa and the Queen: these are pulled apart and shared between the two of them)